The Hidden Power of Your Website’s Contact Us Page

Content Goodies

Ah, the humble Contact Us page. So simple to write. You can basically just copy+paste from your business card (do people still have those?) and call it a day. Right?

Yeah, sorry – wrong!

Your Contact Us page is actually a fantastic opportunity to add more search engine-friendly keywords to your website and make a deeper connection with your visitors. AND, it’s hugely important to your local SEO efforts.

So, if you’re wondering whether you really need to work hard on your Contact page content, you do. And if you need help figuring out how to get started, don’t worry! We’ll break it down for you below.

Why is a Contact Us page important?

Your Contact page is so much more than a standard contact form. It’s the page your potential customers visit when they want to connect with your company, whether to email your sales team or check out your physical addresses to see if you’re close enough to visit.

Establish trust

When your website visitors go to your Contact page, they’re often looking for clues that you’re a legitimate company with a trustworthy customer service team.

Customers do a lot of research before contacting your brand. They’ll feel better buying a product or booking a time to visit your team if they see straightforward contact details and an actual physical address.

Embrace the local SEO opportunities

Whether you’re a small mom-and-pop or a burgeoning business with multiple locations, local SEO drives traffic to your website and your physical location. Contact page SEO boosts your overall search rankings and helps you appear in searches for local businesses.

Whether you’re a small mom-and-pop or a burgeoning business with multiple locations, local SEO drives traffic to your website and your physical location. Contact page SEO boosts your overall search rankings and helps you appear in searches for local businesses.

Local SEO is powerful – 60% of consumers say they contact businesses directly from the local search results. Search engines use the data on your contact pages to verify that your Google Business and other local search profiles are accurate. It’s critical that you incorporate local SEO into your overall SEO strategy.

Things to include on your Contact Us page

Before you start writing, you need to decide which elements you want to include on your Contact page. We recommend:

  • Business hours
  • Physical locations
  • Multiple contact options
  • Social media links
  • A short contact form

But those features are just a sketch of what you’ll need to make your Contact Us page memorable. Approach each element with careful thought, and do everything you can to eliminate conversion barriers and encourage your visitors to take the plunge.

Request essential information only

A contact form helps you figure out whether or not a lead is a good fit for your services. You can use a contact form to collect contact details, ask which service a lead is interested in, and figure out when they need your help.

But it’s a good idea to keep your contact form short and sweet. We recommend a simple contact form in which you ask for essential information only.

Keep it light, with as few boxes to complete as possible, and be sure that it works as well for mobile users as it does for those on a laptop.

Offer a variety of ways to get involved

If you’re a nonprofit or community-based organisation, you might use your Contact page to steer potential volunteers to the right program.

You can do that by having different contact forms for different types of volunteers or by including buttons on your Contact page that direct visitors to the correct program page.

Either way, offering multiple options for involvement gives your volunteers a choice, making them more likely to sign up for a program that suits their skills and schedule.

Include other contact methods

Not everyone likes a contact form. Older adults prefer phone calls, so if that’s a key market for you, provide a support team contact number.

If you have physician locations, list their addresses. If you’re active on social media, include your social media links. Consider your audience’s contact preferences and explore whether a more modern mode of communication, like a WhatsApp message or a chatbot, might be well-received by your users.

Providing multiple contact options makes it easier for people to reach out. When it’s easy, visitors are more likely to make the call, send the text, or engage with the chatbot, starting a conversation that will hopefully lead to a new sale.

Do customers like chatbots?

Chatbots are having a moment, and stats point to that moment growing into a movement in the next few years. Business leaders have reported a 67% increase in sales from using chatbots on their websites, and if they’re seeking a simple answer to a straightforward question, 74% of respondents prefer to speak with a chatbot over a human customer service agent.

So, if you’re considering using a chatbot and think your audience would respond well to that contact option, it’s worth a shot! But remember that when companies invest in higher-quality chatbots, they see a 70% customer interaction rate, so it’s worth using a trusted chatbot provider.

What makes a good Contact Us page?

It’s time to write a brilliant Contact page. You can do this! Here’s how:

Double down on your brand voice

You’ve honed a strong brand voice throughout your website. Keep that brand voice going when you’re writing your Contact page so customers get consistency and cohesion on every corner of your website.

Keeping a consistent brand voice instils confidence in your customers. It assures them that your brand is authentic and reliable. Consistency feels safe and reassuring, so provide that cosy feeling on your Contact page.

Incorporate personal elements

The Contact page is a great place to share a bit of your personality that you might not want to showcase on your products and services pages. Introduce your customers to your pet. Give them a glimpse into your work life. Tell them you love it when they call, text, or email.

Adding personal elements to your Contact Us page deepens the customer-brand relationship. New customers will get to know you a little better. Existing customers remember why they love you already. And you’ll know you’re making quality customer connections with people who appreciate your brand and what it stands for.

State the benefits of contacting your company

When visitors land on your Contact page, you want them to take an action. They’re so close to completing that contact form and clicking “Send”! You just need to give them a gentle push over the conversion line.

Remind them why they should contact you. List the benefits of engaging with your company: the unique way you solve their problem or the relief they’ll feel when they hand a project over to your team.

Play with other ways of saying “Contact Us”

The language you use on your Contact page can be as eye-catching as the hero header on your Home page. 

If you can find a way to say Contact Us that fits your brand personality better, use it! Visitors will notice and appreciate your dedication to brand voice.

Make followup as personal as possible

Though not part of the Contact page, your followup messages are definitely part of the Contact experience.

When a user clicks “Send”, they appreciate a speedy and personal reply. Can you blame them? Responding as quickly and personally as possible makes your visitors feel welcomed and heard.

If it’s possible to reply “by hand” to each message, we suggest you do. But if your online messages are coming in fast and heavy, you’ll likely need automated responses to manage the volume. Either way, the tips below will help you write personalised followup messages that engage and delight.

Form submission notifications

Make sure you have reliable notifications set up to alert you when your contact form has been submitted. 

You never want to miss a message, so test that your form submission messages are being sent, that they’re not going into a spam folder, and that you’re receiving them within minutes of submission.

Tailor automated responses to each question type

If you’re automating your contact form responses, draft different emails to respond to different question types.

This means, of course, that you need to build a form that categorises your leads. The simplest way to do that (which causes the least friction for the user) is to ask one quick question: why they’re contacting you.

For example, if you’re a winery or vineyard, you might want to include this question in your contact form:

Tell us why you’re getting in touch today:

  1. I want to ask a question about your tasting rooms
  2. I want to ask a question about your wine pairing menu
  3. I want to hear more about your wine club
  4. I need help finding your winery

Depending on the answer the lead selects, you can tailor your automated response to reflect their question. If the lead selects answer 2, your response could include a line like:

“We’ll be in touch soon to give you an up-to-date wine pairing menu and answer any questions you may have, like info on allergens and ingredients.”

Recognise existing customers

It’s also wise to give a nod to existing customers who complete your contact form. If customers are already on your email list, let them know you recognise them by tweaking the language:

“Thanks for getting in touch again! It’s always nice to hear from you.”

Adding words like “again” and “always” can tell existing customers you appreciate their return business.

Time your followup appropriately

A contact form submission reply should appear in a user’s inbox as soon as possible. Users like to see that their form has been submitted to your messaging system, so it’s reassuring to see a confirmation email.

Include your other contact details

Even though you’ve already provided contact details on your Contact page, include them again in your form submission email. That way, if the user needs to reach you quickly, they know how.

Write personalised responses whenever possible

Even if you can’t respond personally to every form submission, sending a personal note when possible is a nice touch. Look for opportunities to send personal emails, like:

  • As a followup to the automated form submission email
  • To answer a user’s specific question
  • To thank the user for taking an action, like registering as a volunteer or sharing your content on social media

Any amount of personalisation helps you forge a stronger bond with your customers. Even on a busy workday, send a few heartfelt emails to your loyal customers.

Contact Us page SEO

With a bit of keyword research and some well-written content, your Contact page can contribute to better search rankings.

Include the right keywords

Keyword research for your Contact page should revolve around the actions users might want to take regarding your services or products. 

Continuing our winery example, your Contact Us header could read: “Book a winery tour” or “Ask a question about our tasting room”. In this example, the keywords we want to rank for are “winery tour” and “tasting room”, but we’ve incorporated them into an action we want the user to take.

Stay true to brand voice

Remember to keep your brand voice consistent, even when you’re adding keywords. Human readers will appreciate your consistency. Search algorithms will note it, too, and reward you with a higher search ranking. It’s a win-win.

Don’t engage in keyword stuffing, the tactic of adding an unnatural number of keywords. It’s a shoddy practice that will actually see your website demoted in search engine results, and for your human readers, it’s a major turnoff.

Good content writers (ahem – The Content Lab!) know how to incorporate keywords that read well, feel natural, and maintain your brand voice. In fact, we’ve been doing it throughout this blog post. Mind blown? 🤯

Include FAQs

Including a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) section on your Contact page is a great way to add more keywords.

If you have FAQ sections on other pages, you can approach your Contact FAQs in one of two ways:

  • Gather all of your other FAQs together on the Contact page. (If you choose this method, you’ll probably want to organise them under different subheadings.)
  • Write Contact page-specific FAQs and don’t repeat questions already answered in other FAQs.

Track and analyse

Finally, remember to track and analyse the traffic to your Contact page. Look at your current traffic stats and note them. Then, make the changes we’ve suggested and watch your page stats grow over time.

As you track your contact page SEO, you’ll find opportunities to tweak the page’s language. Even small improvements to your Contact page can garner impressive results, and search algorithms love to see pages kept up to date.

Contact page SEO, like all SEO efforts, takes time. But if you put in the work, you’ll see rewards in higher traffic numbers and, most importantly, more conversions.

Contact Us page examples we love

We’ve included 3 Contact page design examples we think are spot-on. You can find more examples of the best Contact Us pages here.

Bloom & Wild

Bloom & Wild – a flower delivery service – is a big company. It can be hard to make large businesses feel intimate and approachable.

But, Bloom & Wild does a great job of making customer-brand connections with warm, inviting language throughout their website. Their Contact page continues the experience.

They also offer multiple contact options, though they don’t provide a direct line for customers to call. In every other respect, though, Bloom & Wild make it easy to get in touch.


Learning management system (LMS) LearnRight bucks the trend by offering a “Book a demo” page rather than a traditional Contact page. That way, they know the leads who contact them are serious about finding an LMS for their company.

If you want answers fast, you can access a support agent via the chatbot at the bottom of the screen. A live support agent takes over if a chat becomes too specific or complicated for the bot.

The Content Lab

Yep, we’re tooting our own horn. But you have to admit, ours is an excellent Contact Us page. First, we stay true to our brand voice with a fun play on words.

Next, we boost customer engagement and add a personal touch by inviting users to tell us about themselves.

Don’t stress over writing your contact page!

Don’t waste your time and energy trying to make bad website copy work. Get yourself The Website Copywriting Accelerator Pack today to boost performance and efficiency!

You can also help your clients transform their content marketing efforts with The All-In-One Blogging Pack, designed to help them perfect the art of writing a high-performing blog post.

Ready to start writing? Do it with Content Goodies!


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