What’s the Point? How to Choose Blog Topics That Perform

Content Goodies

Writing blog posts can be a lot of fun. But you know what’s sometimes not fun? Coming up with blog topic ideas.

There are so many factors that make choosing a blog topic difficult.

Firstly, there’s the writer’s block. Oh, the writer’s block.

Then, you want to find something to write about that actually interests you. But not just you! It’s got to interest your target audience, too.

With a plethora of blogs out there (a minimum of 2 million posted every day!), it’s absolutely crucial to stand out if you want to get eyes on your blog!

You can’t do any of that without a solid blog topic. But don’t worry! That’s exactly what we’ll be exploring in this blog: why blog topics matter and how to come up with a good one. 

Let’s do it!

Does your blog topic really matter, or can you just write about any old thing?

Well, I guess this kind of depends on your desired outcome.

If you’re hoping to achieve your 2010 Tumblr girl dreams by finally starting a blog about the changing colours of the autumn leaves or the fact that the band Paramore is indeed your ‘spirit animal’ – then you’re free to write about whatever your little emo heart desires! (And honestly, I’d be your #1 reader.)

But if you’re hoping to boost brand visibility by ranking higher on search engines and appealing to your target audience, then you’ve got to be a little more intentional with the topics you choose to cover.

An effective content marketing strategy is absolutely essential these days if you want to drive more traffic to your company website. And writing valuable, engaging blogs plays a huge part in attracting those visitors!

So, why is it so important for you to put careful consideration into the blog topics you explore? Here are a few ways a strong blog topic can benefit you:

  • Establish expertise: Are you a doctor? Because you look like you’ve got your finger on the pulse with those on-point blog topics!
  • Create stand-out content: You’re a star, baby! And with a solid topic, your blog content can put you miles ahead of competitors in your industry.
  • Write faster: Well hello there, Speedy Blogzales. (Sorry.) Blogs are so much easier to write when the content is clear, relevant, and focused on an interesting topic.
  • Rank higher: Climb those ranks on search engines as you tick all the SEO boxes for fresh content and topical issues.
  • Deliver value: Your audience will thank you for responding to their needs when you write about things that interest and concern them. Go you!

Like the sound of all of that? Well then, it’s time to get your proverbial (or literal, if you’re impartial to a bit of fancy dress) thinking cap on.

Let’s explore how you can consistently come up with better blog topics so you can keep on churnin’ out high-quality, high-converting content!

How to come up with great blog post ideas

1. Always think about your audience first

Your audience should be at the core of everything you write.

Of course, you’ve got to let your unique brand personality shine through in your writing. But if you’re not speaking directly to your reader, it’s like loaning your favourite Marian Keyes novel to your Dad – unlikely to land and a waste of a mighty fine piece of work.

That’s why it’s absolutely essential to have a deep understanding of your target audience before you start thinking up blog topic ideas.

Dig into what makes your target audience who they are and what they want (and need) to read about.

Considering fundamentals like their demographic, interests, preferences, and pain points will help guide you towards topics that resonate with them.

You can also take an active approach to generating ideas by:

  • Conducting customer surveys about their interests
  • Engaging in social media conversations for pain points
  • Taking a question or problem from customer queries or feedback
  • Analysing your most popular existing blog titles
  • Identify common challenges within your niche

Take what you gather from all of the above, and turn it into blog topics! Offer solutions, insights, and answers through your blog content to provide even more value to your audience.

When you tailor your content to your target audience, not only are you more likely to connect with them, but they’ll be more likely to become loyal readers and share your content far and wide, too!

2. Consider your personal interests and expertise

Now that you’ve given your audience the level of attention they deserve, it’s time to think about you. (Yes, you!)

What excites you about your industry? What do you find yourself reading about? And most importantly, what do you enjoy writing about?

Listen, sometimes writing about stuff that’s of zero interest to you is just part of the job And you’re a pro, so you get it done regardless.

But when you get to write about your personal passions and interests, that’s when your work really shines!

It might be a subject or even a style of writing that really lights your inner spark. Whatever it is, your content naturally becomes more engaging, insightful, and interesting when you get to focus on the things that interest you.

Plus, your blog readers are going to pick up on your enthusiasm and authenticity when you’re in your blogging zone – making them far more likely to keep coming back for more of your unique and engaging content!

3. Stay in the know on current trends

We live in a content-hungry world, and it’s never been more important to stay on top of what trends are en vogue if you want to stay relevant.

I get it. You’ve had the same haircut for the past 15 years and still don’t quite understand in what context you can use ‘dope’ as an adjective. How in the world are you supposed to stay on top of trending topics on the big old World Wide Web?

Honestly, it’s not that hard! A lot easier than keeping up with the style trends and slang of those born this side of the millennium. (No shade! Just showing my age.)

You can use tools like Google Trends, social media analytics, and reliable industry news sources to help you stay on top of what’s going on in your niche, making it so much easier to generate impactful blog topic ideas.

By tapping into what’s happening now, you can position your blog as a go-to source for information that’s always on point and relevant to your target audience.

That said, don’t get too caught up in the trendiness of it all. Be sure to infuse your unique perspective into your work to differentiate your content from your competitors. After all, it’s a hot topic for a reason, so it’s likely a lot of people will be covering the subject!

4. Take inspiration from keyword research and SEO

Sure, you’re already doing keyword research for your blog posts and peppering those targeted keywords throughout each piece. Maybe you’re even using keyword research tools to help guide you in writing and optimising your blogs.

But have you thought about using keyword research to help you find blog ideas to write about in the first place?

When finding relevant topics to write about, SEO is like your secret weapon. Keyword research tools like Surfer, SEMrush, or Google Keyword Planner can help you identify super specific, high-ranking keywords within your niche that essentially serve up the most relevant blog ideas on a platter.

This means you’re getting right to the root of your target audience’s pain points and writing about the solutions – exactly when they need you! What’s not to love?

5. Look at what your competitors are writing about

Your effortless, unstoppable originality is what makes your own blog so irresistible. And you should always lean into that!

But sometimes, taking inspiration from others can be a good thing. Especially when it comes to generating relevant blog topics within your niche.

Explore what other bloggers are writing about. Dive into their back catalogue of blogs, search what’s trending across social media channels, and connect with other like-minded professionals in online communities to get their perspectives.

See what posts particularly resonate with you and think about what you can add to the topic in terms of your own expertise and unique perspective.

If you can identify gaps in a blog topic you’re interested in, then you should be onto a real winner!

6. Mix up the type of blog content you write

Variety is the spice of life. And the thrill of not knowing what little treat you’re going to eat at the end of any given day. (Today was a tiffin chocolate bar.)

But variety is also the spice of effective blog writing. Your audience will get sick of reading something in the same old format every time they visit your blog. And different types of blogs will suit certain topics better than others. 

So, while you’re writing about different blog post topics, why not try writing different types of blogs? Take the following, for example:

    • Ultimate guide
    • How-to blog
    • Listicle
    • Case studies 
    • Exploring customer testimonials
    • Client or peer interview
    • Professional or personal anecdotes

Thanks to the fresh angle, mixing up the kinds of blogs you’re writing not only makes it easier to come up with new topics, but it also makes your blog a more dynamic and interesting source of information for your readers.

What’s your next blog post going to be about, and what form will it take? We’re excited to read it!

7. Use the All-In-One Blogging Pack from Content Goodies

When you need a little extra help getting inspired, Content Goodies has got you covered.

The All-In-One Blogging Pack is a step-by-step guide designed to help you write better blogs that attract, engage, and convert your target audience.

This comprehensive blogging resource was created by seasoned copywriters with decades of experience in the industry, so you know it’s good!

When you purchase the All-In-One Blogging Pack, you get access to professional blogging templates, expert tips and insights, and tons of super useful writing prompts. With gems like these, you can create content that you’re proud of every single time.

You’ll discover lots of info on how to come up with unique blog ideas that resonate with both you and your audience. You’ll even get some awesome blog title examples for you to use when you’re feeling a little stuck!

Think of this pack as your constant guide and trusted advisor on your blogging journey, guiding you through the twists and turns, and helping you get where you want to go. Essentially, Rafiki in The Lion King, except less screaming.

Finally start writing expert blogs with the help of Content Goodies

It’s clear that you’ve got the drive to make your blogs as good – and as beneficial – as they can be. We’re super excited for you!

The bottom line is to always write about topics that interest you, and to be authentic in your writing approach. Your audience loves reading original content, so don’t shy away from what’s true to you!

Going it alone can be daunting. Enlist the help of a strong team of experienced copywriting professionals (say hello to The Content Lab) by purchasing a Content Goodies package today.

We’ve already helped tons of go-getters like you get their blogs off the ground through excellent content writing. What are you waiting for?


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